Common Causes of Shingle Roof Leaks

HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Shingle roofing is the most common and popular type of roofing in the United States.  Shingle roofs are lightweight, durable, attractive, and affordable.  But despite these excellent features, shingle roofs can still develop issues like roof leaks.  Roof leaks may happen for various reasons.  Let’s take a closer… Continue reading Common Causes of Shingle Roof Leaks


HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! What are Seamless Gutters? Seamless gutters are seamless.  Also known as continuous gutters, seamless gutters are manufactured from a single piece of material.  They have not been partitioned into sections and, therefore, do not require any sealing at the joints or seams.  This makes them long-lasting, leak-resistant and… Continue reading SEAMLESS GUTTERS VS REGULAR GUTTERS


HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! A metal roof has many advantages.  It’s lightweight, so it’s easy to install, and it’s durable.  It also has a very long lifespan as compared to other roofing materials. Is a metal roof difficult to maintain?  The most important thing is to ensure your metal roof is installed properly… Continue reading WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT METAL ROOFS

What is a Rain Chain?

HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Typically made of copper, brass, or aluminum links, rain chains divert rainwater from gutters to the ground in a controlled manner, not unlike a traditional downspout.  Rain chains connect to your existing gutter system in the cutout designated for a downspout.  However, you can hang them anywhere as… Continue reading What is a Rain Chain?


HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Streaky marks of algae, moss, dirt, and dusty debris can appear on your roof, especially in the crevices that don’t get a ton of natural light.  Many homeowners think replacing the roof is the only option, but a good cleaning can be the easier and more affordable solution. … Continue reading WHEN TO CLEAN YOUR ROOF


HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Because it is your home’s first line of defense against damaging elements, waterproofing your roof is an essential step in roof installation and regular home maintenance.  Below are reason why waterproofing your roof is a must.  The Roof and the Threats it Fends Off The roof shields and… Continue reading ROOF WATERPROOFING