Slate roofs are extremely durable and long-lasting, as well as being very attractive.  Like any roof, they do experience their share of issues over time.

Maintenance and Repair

While slate is very hard it is also brittle, so this means that slate can crack upon impact.  Falling tree limbs that may only dent composite shingles will crack slate shingles.  Slate roof repairs must be done by qualified professionals, if only because slate is so difficult to walk on without damaging the slate or the worker slipping off of the roof.  On top of that, slate repairs are difficult because there are so many variations in slate.  It can be difficult to source and blend matching replacements for this natural product. 


Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, strong winds, hail and snow, can result in slates becoming misplaced.  Whether they are completely removed or slip out of position, it’s important to see to this quickly so that the roof doesn’t become compromised.  Slate tiles can be easily replaced but it’s important that this is done by a roofing specialist.


As well as slates which go missing or slip out of position, extreme weather can also cause existing slates to break.  This can be caused by extreme weather, but if many of your slates are broken or fractured it could be a sign that the slate is actually becoming soft and might need inspecting by a professional.


Originally, nails used to fix individual slates into place to form the slate roof were made from iron or poor-quality steel.  This means that they are likely to rust and decay over time.  Nail sickness is a term used to describe the situation where this happens to multiple slates on one roof.  If this happens, it is again important to get a professional roofer in to assess the situation and make any necessary repairs or replacements.


The texture of slate tiles is layered due to it being a natural material.  When slate begins to approach the end of its life, the layers you see might begin to split apart and this is the process that we term delamination.  If this is not dealt with quickly, it can lead to further problems with your slate roof such as breakages and leaks.  However, the layers in slate can be distinct so be careful not to confuse naturally prominent layers with delamination.  The most obvious signs tend to be flaking and gaps.


Damage to the flashing is a common problem for all types of roofs and this is no different for slate roofs.  The flashing is the sheet metal that lines and protects vulnerable areas of the roof from water.  However, because it is typically made of metal, it is vulnerable to rust and corrosion over time. If this happens, the flashing will most likely all need to be replaced by a professional roofer.


The best course of action if you have noticed any problems or signs of deterioration with your roof is to contact a professional roofing company  who is experienced in dealing specifically with slate roofs.  Although slate roofs are incredibly durable, there will eventually come a time when you experience problems and, when this happens, it’s best to deal with it properly!

General contractors often include slate repair services in addition to their conventional roofing services, but few roofing contractors actually specialize in the fine art of historic slate, clay tile, and copper roofing. Treating slate like any other roofing material can have disastrous consequences.

As a premium, but unique roofing material, slate demands a specialist.  This is true for new roof installations and slate repairs as small as a single slate replacement.  The orientation of the slate; how to match a replacement slate with existing slates; the manner in which the new slate is installed; evaluating the nearby area for wood rot or other damage; etc, are all skills unique to slate roof contractors.