Is Your Gutter Fascia Rotting?


You may not even know what fascia is, but it serves an important role for your home. The fascia (pronounced FAY-shuh) is the board that hangs vertically from the edge of your roof.  It is the board that creates the trim around your room.  Typically, gutters are hung on the fascia, so most of it is hidden from view.  However, the part that is not covered by gutter can have a significant impact on the look of your home.

Over time, water, debris and pests can accelerate the decay of your fascia, contributing to rot.  For the board that you can see, the rot can make your home look older and in disrepair.  Whether you can see the fascia or not, the rot can threaten the integrity of your home.  The weakened board won’t have the same protective qualities.  The water, debris and pests can reach other parts of your home, such as the und

Is a Fascia Board the Same as a Soffit?

The fascia board is not the same as the soffit.  The soffit mounted horizontally underneath the eave or the overhang.  It closes off the bottom of the rafter tails whereas the fascia board covers the end of the rafter tail.

What is a Fascia Board Made Out Of?

A fascia board is usually made out of wood.  However, in some commercial applications it can be made out of steel or aluminum.  In a residential setting, it is made out of wood and cladded with aluminum and vinyl siding application.  Sometimes there will be a concrete plank that is applied.  Composite fascia boards are generally uncommon.  Most of the time, they are going to be made out of wood. Vinyl fascia boards are a common misconception.  Usually when someone refers to a vinyl fascia boards they are referring to vinyl siding. They are all usually made out of wood and the other materials are placed over top.

What Causes a Fascia Board to Rot?

Roof Installation and Architecture Problems

Fascia boards begin to rot primarily because the roof was installed incorrectly.  It may also be because the roof is old, or because it has been damaged.  If mold, mildew, or algae grows on your roof, it can attract sunlight and cause the overall temperature of your home and roof to increase.  Over time, this destroys your shingles which can allow water inside your home and around your fascia boards depending on where the shingles were damaged. If this occurs, we recommend calling a professional who is equipped to eliminate organic material from your roof.  Poorly designed architectural design or damaged or misplaced shingles can allow water to flow against walls and run down causing damage.

Gutter Issues

Gutters mounted on the fascia board wrong can cause water damage for a few reasons.  Gutter seams, corner miters, and end caps can allow water to pass through.  If the gutter is clogged, water can overflow.  If a gutter can’t contain the amount of water coming from a high volume area, water won’t be contained. Gutters are designed so that when water overflows it goes off the front side.  This is because the gutter is lower on the front. Even so, some water still ends up running down the front of the end of the gutter onto the fascia board.  Soon, the damage you see on your fascia can spread to other parts of your home, causing even more expensive damage.

Clogged Downspout or Underground Drain

Clogged downspouts will also cause the gutter to overflow resulting in water damage to the fascia board. Usually the downspout is clogged with leaves and debris. Sticks and larger objects get stuck in the downspout which can cause smaller items to get clogged. Unexpected items such as tennis balls, golf balls, and other objects can get stuck in the gutter causing it to back up instantly.  Underground drains can also clog, especially if they were installed in a more level fashion not allowing the water to flow.  

If you see that your fascia is beginning to rot, you need to take immediate action.  Here’s what to do if you have rotting fascia:

Replace the Boards

Most fascia is composed of simple lumber — usually a 1×4 or 2×4 board. The repair is simple and inexpensive.
You can attempt the repair yourself, but it is better to hire a professional to do the work.  The fascia is connected directly to your roof.  If you make any mistakes, you will compromise the protection that your roof provides.  You could get a leak that could lead into your attic or your walls.  Even minor damages can cause the water to pool around the roof, rotting the subdeck.

You might also be tempted to simply cover the board with a vinyl exterior.  However, this will only improve the look without addressing the structural issues.  Leaving the wood to rot below will leave your roof compromised.  You must replace the wood whether you plan to cover it or not.

Choose a Vinyl Covering

Once you replace the wood fascia, you can protect it by choosing a vinyl covering for it.  The vinyl is waterproof and it will prevent the wood from rotting and protect it from pest damage.  All you’ll need to do is keep the covering clean to maintain it.

Vinyl fascia covering comes in a wide variety of colors and sizes, allowing you to match the look of your home.  You can choose boards in a matching color or you can choose a nice complementary color.  The covering can match your other trim or your gutters.  If you are looking for an unusual color that is not readily available, you can also paint the vinyl to match it.

Prevent Future Damage

The best way to treat a problem is to prevent it from happening.  You can prevent future damage to your fascia by keeping the boards clean.  Regular pressure washing will prevent the buildup of corrosive debris, including mold and mildew.  Since the fascia is attached to the roof, it is important that you hire a professional to handle this cleaning.  Otherwise, you risk pushing water under your shingles or underlayment.

Check Your Fascia Board While Cleaning Your Gutters

Cleaning the gutters is also an important way to protect your fascia.  If the gutters become clogged, the debris will rest directly against the fascia, contributing to rot.  Clogged gutters can also backup water to the fascia and the roof, contributing to rot and the spread of mold and mildew.

It is important that you hire a professional to clean your gutters on a regular schedule to prevent clogs that can lead to extensive damage.  Professionals will be able to perform a proper cleaning while also inspecting the gutters, fasteners and fascia for any damage.

Your fascia boards may be a small component of your home, but they are among the most important.  Preventing damage to your fascia through regular cleanings and installing protective coatings is the easiest way to make sure they stay in top shape and continue to provide the protection your roof and home need.  Yet if you do find rotting fascia, it is important that you hire someone to replace the boards as quickly as possible.

Cleaning and repairing your fascia will also protect the look of your home, helping to improve its curb appeal and maintain its overall resale value.