Summer Roof Maintenance


Roof maintenance is a year-round thing.  While you are having fun in the sun this summer, you also need to keep up with summer roof maintenance.  You can do this yourself if you know what to look for, but we recommend hiring a professional roofing contractor to make sure you do not miss anything.  Here are the key areas that you need to keep an eye on this summer:

Clean Out the Gutters

Gutters are meant to keep water moving off of your roof so there are no standing puddles on the roofing system.  It is important to check the gutters to make sure they are not rusted, damaged, blocked, or loose.  Any issues need to be addressed as soon as possible so the next summer thunderstorm doesn’t cause problems with rain and even more clutter getting into the gutters.

Cut Back Tree Limbs

Many homeowners fail to think about the area immediately surrounding their home when it comes to summer roof maintenance.  Big beautiful trees can be nice as they provide shade and add beauty and elegance to the yard.  But big branches hanging over the house can be recipe for disaster and dead or damaged branches must be removed before they have a chance to fall.

Seal Nesting Access

Any open eaves and gaps in the soffit and roofing edge need to be sealed.  Many pests like rats, squirrels, raccoons, and opossums want to turn your home into their home.  They will set up nests in your attic and roofing system if they are able to and they can cause major damage to your roof as well as to electrical systems.

Check for Mold

It’s always a good idea to inspect your roof for signs of mold.  You should check inside too as this is often the first indication that there is a leak or some other issue with the roof.  Any signs of mold or mildew are cause for concern and must be dealt with as soon as possible. This is an important part of summer roof maintenance to keep your family safe and healthy this summer.

Maintain Your Skylight

roofing systemsAny fixture that breaks through the roof needs to be carefully maintained and inspected ahead of the rainy weather.  This includes skylights, vents and pipes, wire access points, and the chimney.  It is important to check the seals, flashings, and shingles surrounding these fixtures to ensure there are no leaks and no signs of damage present.

Clean Off Debris

The final thing to consider when it comes to summer roof maintenance is to keep the roof clean.  It is important to keep the roof swept clean of leaves, branches, and other debris.  If it is allowed to accumulate, it can lead to shingle rot and allow water to seep into the home.  In extreme cases, it can build up so much that the weight can damage the underlying structures of the roof itself.