Flat Roof Repair/Installation – Home Improvements by Arizona’s Finest

Bitumen Roof- Advantages There are several different advantages to using a bitumen roof on your home. Unlike some newer types of roofing, it has a long, proven track record that can be counted on. Bitumen roofs are one of the longer lasting types of flat roofing materials. Regardless of how the material is applied (self-adhesive… Continue reading Flat Roof Repair/Installation – Home Improvements by Arizona’s Finest

Why Flat Roofs and Other Roofs Leak in Heavy Rain

HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Flat roofs are a popular roofing choice used in many homes. They offer a classic look and are easier to build and maintain than many other roofing options.  However, flat roofs aren’t perfect.  One of their main issues is that their flat shape lacks the slope needed to… Continue reading Why Flat Roofs and Other Roofs Leak in Heavy Rain


Here for all your roofing needs! When your flat roof begins to leak, it’s definitely not pleasant news.  You’ll want to carry out a thorough inspection to determine the cause of the leak and make the necessary repairs to prevent water and moisture from causing hazards such as flooding, rotting, and mold growth. The differences… Continue reading FLAT ROOF LEAKING