Why Flat Roofs Leaks

Why Flat Roof Drainage Problems Can Lead To Leaks A flat roof is not entirely flat, or at least shouldn’t be.  The roof should be slightly sloped towards the draining points.  If flat roof drains are clogged with debris, stormwater will start to pond and over time will create divots in the roof material.  Causing… Continue reading Why Flat Roofs Leaks

Importance Of Roof Flashing

HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! The roof remains a sensitive part of a building since it’s exposed to severe weather conditions.  Because of this, it is essential to condition your roof with every option necessary for when incessant rains beat down hard.  Roof flashing is one of the suggestions you’ll often hear with… Continue reading Importance Of Roof Flashing


HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! Leaking gutters are ticking bombs.  The small drips look harmless but may cause great havoc.  It can ruin your siding or fascia.  It can also cause flooding or damage the foundation of your house.  Therefore, it is never a good idea to ignore leaking gutters. Don’t worry, not every… Continue reading COMMON GUTTER LEAKS