Despite the advantages of having a flat roof, there is one major downside. Pooling water is a common problem with flat roofing because it does not drain water as effectively as sloped roofing. Not being able to drain water means there is a risk for pooling. This refers to water that stands in a puddle on the roof for more than 48 hours at a time.
How To Stop Water Pooling on Flat Roof?
Pooling water might not be an immediate threat, but if it is allowed to persist over time, the danger grows. This accumulated water can begin to wear on the roofing membrane, reducing the membrane’s lifespan. This can lead to things like leaks which can cause serious problems for the rest of the building. Thankfully, there are a few tactics that you can employ to resolve those pooling water issues. Most importantly, these should be done right away.
Identify Problem Areas
While flat roofs should be, as they sound, flat, that doesn’t mean they don’t have problem areas. Low slope roofs can have dips and sags which provide a place for water to pool. These come from weak spots in the roof, an excess of debris, or an inadequate installation process. Professionals know how to adjust low slope roofs so that they can still facilitate drainage to keep standing water from pooling. They also know how to fix problem areas. They can do this through applying a filler that levels out the low spots, ergo eliminating the problem area.