Roofing is expensive. It’s not uncommon to worry about how much money you’ll need to spend when you discover a roof problem. When roof problems come up, there’s often a much easier and cheaper solution than replacement. The trick is knowing what to look for and acting quickly before roof replacement becomes necessary.
Signs of damaged roofing
- Missing Shingles
- Broken or torn shingles
- Shingles that have curled along their edges
- Heavy growth of mold or moss on the shingle surface
- Deteriorating Shingles that have lost their granules
- Leaks in multiple places on your Roof
- Rotted roof Sheeting (When you step on your roof it’s spongy)
It’s important to replace your roof at the right time. Waiting too long to replace your roof or installing a new roof before it’s necessary could end up costing you more. Sometimes just trying to repair the roof won’t solve your problem.
Besides having a leaky roof, there are other reasons why it might be smart to consider roof replacement.
Here are some reasons to have new roofing installed on your house:
- Repairing storm damage: Storms can damage roofing in several ways. High winds sometimes blow roof shingles off the roof, creating obvious empty areas that need to be replaced. Indirect damage is also common: Wind causes tree branches or entire trees to come down on the roof, often damaging the roof structure as well as roof shingles. Rather than make spot repairs following storm damage, it’s often smarter to replace the roof.
- Increasing home value: Even if your asphalt shingle roof isn’t worn or damaged, it can make sense to replace your roofing to increase curb appeal and real estate value. Some homeowners decide to install new roofing as part of their preparation for selling a house. When combined with new exterior siding, new roofing can really make an older home look brand new. A new roof offers a great deal of financial security to a prospective homebuyer. The new owner won’t have to worry about roof replacement or common roofing problems for a long time to come.
- Replacing a worn roof: Unfortunately, factors such as storm damage, low slope, ice damming, and mold or moss growth can threaten the life of an asphalt roof. If your roof has any of these problems, then you might need your roof replaced. Otherwise, you risk even more severe problems like rotted roof framing and leaks that can damage the house and its what’s inside.