If you own an older home, then there is a good chance that there isn’t any roof ventilation. The reason this does not create an issue is that these houses aren’t as air-tight as the modern structures are, which means they have adequate air movement despite the lack of any vents.
When you move to upgrade the energy efficiency of these older homes with better window insulation, weather-stripping, and similar features, then you create a ventilation problem for the home. You must have adequate roof ventilation available through a vent when you live in a high-efficiency home.
Without this feature on the roof, you will have condensation begin forming on your windows, especially during the winter months. Moisture can get into your roof too, which freezes into an ice dam as the weather changes.
These are the pros and cons or roof ridge vents that can help you manage these concerns while improving the overall value of the home.
List of the Pros of Roof Ridge Vents
1. They balance out the temperature of the home.
When you have a new home built, or you’re replacing a roof, then installing a ridge vent helps to balance out the transfer of hot and cold air. You’ll always find the upstairs and attic to be warmer in the summer months, no matter how strong your air condition systems are, because of how hot air rises. Because there are vents installed in the roof, the warmer air can escape the home naturally, which balances out the temperatures below.
Then in the evening, or during the winter months, the design of the vents allows the pressure of the cold air outside to prevent all the warmer inside air from escaping. That process allows you to save some on your utility bills each month.
2. The design of a roof ridge vent works with the look of your home.
Roof ridge vents offer a sleek design which is difficult to notice from ground level. The pitch of your structure remains unaffected by this design element. If you have enough intake, it is possible to install them along every ridge of your roof, which provides your home with a maximum level of ventilation.
That’s why some homes circulate the air better than others when using this product. If you don’t have enough of an intake area, then there isn’t enough space to draw in the air needed.
3. Rodents can’t get into your attic through roof ridge vents.
Squirrels, rats, raccoons, and other pests all love to try getting into your home whenever there is a point of access. If you use the older-style of roof vent to provide air circulation, then you must install traps or blockage points that prevent them from nesting in your attic’s insulation. This protection feature reduces the amount of air that moves, which defeats the purpose of the older designs in the first place.
The shape, size, and location of roof ridge vents make it impossible for rodents to access your house. You receive the ventilation necessary for the home without creating a higher risk of damage.

4. It allows air to move out of the attic naturally.