Your roof is exposed to natural elements every day.  During the winter, it is most likely littered with debris, hidden beneath a coating of snow and wetness.  As spring approaches, all of that waste becomes a breeding habitat for harmful organisms such as mold, mildew, and algae.  The roof is an important part of every home.  Every year, people spend thousands of dollars on roof replacement.  This warrants an unnecessary investment that might have been avoided if they had just had their roof cleaned and maintained. 

What Lies Above

All of the conditions for microbial development are present on an inadequately kept roof.  Algae is a bacterium that feeds on asphalt and limestone roofing in parts of the roof that are damp, chilly, and shaded.  Algae takes on a blue-green hue when exposed to little light.  Algae and fungus grow together in a symbiotic relationship.  Fungus is difficult to remove off the roof and can recur due to humidity and rain.  Mold and algae growth can harm the health of those who live in the house, in addition to creating structural damage.  Mold growth is a complex issue that, if left ignored, can quickly spread to other areas of the building.

Structural Damage

If left unattended, fungi with root systems can infect your roof on a deeper level, wearing away your shingles and potentially reaching the roof decking.  Fungus, algae, and lichens can cause shingle deterioration as well as roof damage in extreme circumstances.  If you have roof rot, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars in repairs or thousands of dollars for a roof replacement.  Roof cleaning will save you money and extend the life of your roof.

Your roof is one of the most important structures on a home, protecting your loved ones and belongings from environmental elements day-in, day out.  Over time, this takes a toll on the roof, causing damage, leaks, and mold that can compromise the integrity of the entire home. Every year people choose to replace their roof when they could have simply had it cleaned, saving thousands of dollars in costs.  Consider having your roof professionally cleaned in Los Angeles and protect the investment that you have made in your home.

Here’s seven reasons why you should get your roof cleaned:

1. Cool Your Home

When you fail to keep the roof clean, algae and mildew can grow.  These fungi cause the roof to absorb heat, which can make it difficult to cool your home during warmer weather and the summer season.  Having the roof cleaned professionally can help your air conditioning units work more efficiently and create a cooler environment at less cost.

2. Save Money

If you are trying to maintain a comfortable climate inside your home, mold and algae can interfere.  Keeping the roof clean makes it easier to cool and heat the home, which results in energy savings.  The bottom line is that a consistently comfy temperature will cost you less from month to month each time you get a utility bill.

3. Keep the Roof’s Warranty Active

Manufacturers want you to maintain your roof and clean it regularly.  A multi-year warranty does not exempt you from basic core maintenance during the life of your roof.  In fact, neglecting your roof may devoid any warranty that came when your home’s roof was installed.  Routine cleaning identifies any potential issues lurking on or near the roof, which may actually be helpful in preventing with prompt action.

4. Prevent Costly Damages

Debris traps moisture on the roof which, over time, can cause moisture damage and mold that will erode and eat away at the roofing materials.  Routinely cleaning your roof can prevent costly leaks that lead to water damage.  When water seeps in your home, it won’t be long before mold and mildew grow.  Abatement of mold is expensive and frustrating.

5. Increase the Value of Home

Curb appeal contributes to the overall value of a home or property.  A home with a shoddy, algae-covered roof will be less attractive and may be a warning flag to potential buyers.  A clean roof that is rid of mold, mildew, and algae can look pleasing to the eye and even increase your home’s value if and when you are looking to sell your property.  It is something to keep in mind for the future.

6. Less Costly Than Repairing or Replacing Your Roof

Ultimately, homeowners will find that routinely cleaning your roof is much less expensive than repairing or replacing it.  Take care of your roof and it will take care of you,  This includes periodic professional cleaning.

7. Protection from Pests and Rodents

A shoddy or neglected roof is very appealing to pests and wildlife.  The debris and rotting wood around the roof invites bugs, rodents, and pests to your property.  Nests and hives can cause further complication, potentially opening the door to an infestation.  Avoid the hassle and prevent headaches by maintaining your roof, gutters, and eaves which will keep unwanted visitors away.

Finally, homeowner associations are becoming more abundant, primarily to maintain and enhance value of the individual homes and neighborhoods.  You are not alone in the appearance of your home.  Therefore, at the first sign of algae/fungus staining, it makes good sense to clean your roof.  Cleaning your roof adds value to your home, reduces energy costs, and extends the life of your roof.

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