Why is Roof Waterproofing Important?

A roof is one of the most important parts of a home. It protects the home from the elements, such as rain, snow, and wind.  However, there is really no such thing as a leakproof roof.  All roofing materials deteriorate over time or can be damaged by wind, heavy rains, snow, or falling debris.  Since even a small amount of water can cause damage to the home, waterproofing can be a useful step in helping your roof last as long as possible.

Water Can Cause Serious Damage

Water damage can occur when water enters the home through cracks or gaps in the roof.  One of the most insidious problems associated with water intrusion is the damage it can inflict on various parts of your home.  When water seeps into your roof, it can deteriorate the underlayment – a layer of protection placed under the roof covering that acts as a secondary barrier against moisture.  Over time, this can cause the underlayment to rot, drastically reducing its effectiveness.
The decking, generally made of wood or plywood, isn’t immune to water’s harmful effects either.  Continuous exposure to moisture can cause the decking to warp, buckle, or rot, thus compromising the stability of your entire roof structure.

Water can also infiltrate the roof structure itself, leading to damage to the rafters, trusses, and joists.  This structural damage can cause sagging and may eventually necessitate significant roof repair or replacement.  Beyond the roof, water intrusion can lead to a multitude of problems inside the home.  Moisture can prompt the growth of mold and mildew, potentially causing health problems for the inhabitants.  It can damage insulation, resulting in higher energy costs due to heat loss.  Water can also stain ceilings, damage paint and plaster, and even lead to electrical issues.  Thus, water damage is not just a roof problem, but a potential threat to the whole house.

 Waterproofing your roof is an important part of your home care.  Waterproofing will help to protect you against roof leaks and other moisture issues. Waterproofing is designed to have a long lasting durability that protects your roof from potential water damage that can lead to costly repairs in the future.

What is roof waterproofing?

Waterproofing is the process of adding a liquid-applied waterproof membrane to the roof’s surface.  Roof waterproofing protects your roof from the sun’s harmful UV rays.  Roof waterproofing lowers the roof’s temperature when it is exposed to direct heat from the sun.  Waterproofing helps protect your roof from rain, shingles from breaking, and mold growth.  Roof waterproofing protects your roof from the sun and elements and can also improve its longevity.

Why is flat roof waterproofing important?

A waterproof roof coating will protect your building from water leakage and thermal shock.  Flat roof waterproofing will reduce humidity levels in your building and prevent mold growth.  You will be more comfortable and protected from structural issues.  A waterproof roof coating will protect your building from water leakage and thermal shock.  Flat roof waterproofing will reduce humidity levels in your building and prevent mold growth.  You will be more comfortable and protected from structural issues.  A roof coating can seal your building from water leakage and protect it from thermal shock.  A roof coating can also reduce humidity levels in your building and prevent mold growth.  Waterproofing your roof is thus an important step in protecting your property investment, as well as ensuring the comfort of those inside the building.

What are the benefits of roof waterproofing your shingle roof?

Waterproofing your shingle roof can provide several benefits, including:

  • Increased durability: Waterproofing can help protect your shingles from water damage, which can extend their lifespan.
  • Reduced energy costs: By preventing water from seeping into your home, waterproofing can help reduce the amount of energy needed to cool or heat your home.
  • Improved indoor air quality: Waterproofing can help prevent mold and mildew growth, which can improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.
  • Increased property value: Waterproofing can help protect your home from water damage, which can increase its resale value.

Waterproofing Different Types of Roofs

Different types of roofs require different methods of waterproofing. Here are some tips for waterproofing specific types of roofs:

Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingles

Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingles roofs can be easily waterproofed with a liquid-applied membrane.  The best time to apply the membrane is when the roof is first installed, as this allows for a more uniform application and will also extend the life of your shingles.  If you are applying a liquid-applied membrane after your roof has already been installed, be sure to clean off any debris or dirt that may have accumulated on the surface before applying the coating.

Tile and Clay Roofs

Broken clay roof tile. Exposed under roof tile membrane. Roof inspection, repair and replacement project in progress.

Tile and Clay Roofs require a slightly different waterproofing technique.  To waterproof these types of roofs, you should first apply an acrylic sealant to the exposed areas of the tile or terracotta.  Once this has been done, you can then apply a liquid-applied membrane to further reinforce the waterproofing.

Metal Roofs

Metal Roofs require a different type of coating, as traditional liquid-applied membranes do not adhere well to metal surfaces.  To waterproof a metal roof, you should use an acrylic elastomeric coating that has been specifically formulated for metal roofs.  This type of coating is designed to be more flexible and better able to adhere to metal surfaces than traditional liquid-applied membranes.

Waterproofing cost depends on a variety of factors, including the type and size of the roof and the choice of waterproofing.

What to do prior to Waterproofing your Roof

Get Rid Of Dead Leaves and Branches

If you have a collection of dead branches or leaves on your roof, they can join to create a dam.  This causes rain to collect on your roof instead of running into your gutters like it’s supposed to.  Remove any buildup of dead branches or leaves to protect your roof from water buildup and the extra weight it causes.

Prune Nearby Trees

Harsh winds cause branches to hit your roof repeatedly or break off and fall onto your roof.  To keep your roof safe from potentially leak-causing damage, be sure to trim back branches that hang above or near your home.

Replace Missing Or Damaged Shingles

Even one missing or broken shingle can be the beginning of a large problem, damaged shingles also let moisture into your home, which encourages mold growth.  Check that none of your shingles are missing or broken at least twice a year and after every storm.  Stay on top of your routine roof inspections by hiring a professional, a professional roofer will examine your roof and identify any problems.

Prioritize Attic Insulation

Interior temperature fluctuations can damage and warp your roof.  To prevent this, it’s important to insulate your attic properly.   Attic insulation also prevents trapped moisture or condensation from damaging your attic and harming the integrity of your roof’s support structure.

Add An Extra Waterproof Layer

To add an extra waterproofing layer on low-sloped roofs, roofers can add a roof coating system to the outside of your roof. These extend the lifespan of your roof and provide a weathertight seal that can last for years.